Would you like to experience deeper intimacy with God or discover new ways to grow closer to Him?

This curated list of 9 Compelling Ways to Experience Intimacy with God will provide you with proven and effective ways you can spend intimate time with God and draw closer to Him like never before!

Some of these ways may be things that you are familiar with or may already implement into your daily life, but if you are in a place where you need this, I encourage you to continue reading.

9 Compelling Ways to Experience Intimacy with God

Take a moment and imagine yourself so close to God that you can hear the pulsation of His heartbeat. What an overwhelming and indescribable feeling that would be! 

There’s no secret that this is how close God wants you to be with Him. So close that you can hear the rhythm of His heartbeat; a place of true intimacy.

Hearing the heartbeat of God is knowing His ways, likes + dislikes, feelings, and His will. It is only in this place of true intimacy with God where you’ll begin to know Him on a much deeper level, as you spend quality time with Him.

This list of ways to experience intimacy with God is what I live by daily to stay closely connected with God. I am confident they too will help you on your journey so you’ll spend more intimate time and grow closer to Him as well.

This post is all about ways to experience intimacy with God.

1. Spend Quality Time With God In Prayer:

As you spend immense quality time with someone two things begin to happen. One, you began to grow closer to that person, and two, you began to learn more about them. Similarly, this is what happens as you spend quality time with God in prayer. You begin to grow closer to Him and learn more about Him.

I believe we can only grow closer to God rather than just get closer to Him simply because there’s a process that requires growth to take place, and it’s not something that’s automatic. You can’t just get there, but there is time and effort that must be put into building relationship with Him.

As for prayer, I often view it as our spiritual landline which keeps you connected and properly aligned with God. Just as a telephone/ landline needs to be connected to a phone jack to get service, we need prayer in order to stay directly connected to God. Without prayer we cannot properly communicate with God.

Staying closely connected and aligned with God puts you in a position to receive divine instructions from Him. It also puts you in a position to receive guidance and direction from God. I don’t know about you but I want to hear from God and receive divine instructions from Him. However, He is the one who holds the plan(s) for your life.

Prayer is one of several ways you will hear from God as He speaks to your heart + spirit. It should not be treated or looked upon as something you do just to say you’ve done it. Not only is prayer one of your spiritual weapons, but direct communication through which you converse with your heavenly Father. Without it how would you be able to dialogue with Him, talk to Him, or simply hear from Him?

Your time spent with God in prayer is a daily necessity and is essential for your spiritual growth. This is an important time for you to express your gratitude toward God just for being who He is and for all He’s done in your life. In addition, prayer is also a time where you should seek His will for your life. Seeking His will helps you to discover what He truly has for you. As a result, He will speak to your heart, guide you, and prepare you for the things He has planned for you.

The way you present yourself before God during prayer matters. Going before Him with the correct posture is vitally important because you don’t want to go before God any kind of way. Making sure your heart, spirit, attitude, and intentions are right are very important. And you should always be mindful to never rush in and out of His presence, but you want to patiently and intentionally spend this time with Him. Entering in God’s presence with a pure and clean heart are as equally important as well. Trust me, this makes all the difference. It’s just as imperative as praying by faith.

Building intimacy takes time so be patient during this process. One thing I’ve learned about God is that He truly does see our hearts. He knows when it’s sincere and when it isn’t.

Oftentimes, people pray with the wrong intentions. They do it just to check it off of their “to-do” list for the day. They do it only to say they’ve done it. As a woman of God this should never be the case. You should be consistently praying and cherishing this quality time spent with God, daily. I know it’s not always easy to do because it requires patience, persistence, and discipline, but the more you do it the more it begins to come naturally.

As it becomes more natural for you, it should no longer be a push or struggle for you. You’ll begin to look forward to entering in God’s presence to talk to Him, hear from Him, or just simply rest in Him.

In the words of my Bishop,

"Spending time with God is NEVER time wasted."

Don’t think of all those other “unimportant” things you could be doing. Instead, cherish this precious time with God. There is so much God wants to share with you and reveal to you. Trust me on this! I’m a living witness of how spending quality time with God with a pure heart will change you and your life.

Matthew 5:8 tells us, “Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.” When you keep a pure heart, you will connect with God and see Him move in your life. Only those who have a pure + sincere heart for God will truly see Him, move Him with their prayers, and experience true intimacy with Him.

2. Study + Reflect On The Word Of God:

The word of God is our spiritual nourishment which should be consumed daily. Studying + reflecting on the word of God is a profound way to learn about God, His will, and His ways. And as a bonus, help you to discover how God sees you.

Discovering God through His word is another key way you will begin to grow closer to Him, aside from prayer. Learning about Him is how you’ll begin to know Him better. How can you serve God, let alone share a relationship with God if you don’t know Him?

Reflecting on the word of God is simply pondering on what you have read + studied and gaining an understanding of it so you can apply it to your daily life. It also helps you to identify if your life is already aligned with God’s word or not. The only way you will be able to live by the word of God is to first understand His word so that you will be able to effectively apply it and live the way God intends for you to live. This will take a lot of practice on your end, but allowing God to help you along the way will get you to the place where you need to be in life.

Taking moments to reflect on the word is important for godly living because it is a manual that was inspired by God to help you live the right way. Living the way God desires for you to live is pleasing in His sight. It keeps you closer to God and shows Him that you are acknowledging His ways. God does not want for you to follow the ways of this evil and wicked world, but to follow His ways. His ways leads to life everlasting, while the ways of this world (darkness) leads to death and destruction.

As you study the word of God, you will discover what God’s word says about you. You will also discover how you should conduct yourself and live your life.

3. Write Letters To God:

Did you know, God sees everything? Yes, even those letters, journals, and diaries. It was the writer in me that led me to discover this new way to communicate and experience intimacy with God. Writing your thoughts, feelings or whatever may come into your heart is what God wants you to share with Him. In sharing these things with Him, you will draw closer to God and God will draw closer to you.

Short Story: There’s a woman whom I know, who prophesied to me several years ago. As she continued speaking to me she suddenly stated, “God said He sees your letters. Don’t think that He doesn’t see them.” From that moment I was 100% assured that God saw them because I never shared that with anyone. I am a very private person, so writing letters to God was a faith act and something that was very personal for me that I did not want to share with anyone. It was something I kept private and was between He and I only.

My idea for my “God Letters” was to write my thoughts + feelings to God. Then, place them in a private place where no one could find them, which was a little keepsakes box I kept under my bed or some other place.

Since no one knew that I wrote letters to God, I absolutely knew that it was God who saw them. He used that woman of God to confirm that He did see them. Sometimes when you do things out of the ordinary by faith, the outcome can be so powerful and life-changing.

I shared this short story with you to encourage you to write your own “God letters”. Tell God exactly how you feel about Him or anything in your life. Maybe it’s been on your heart to do so or maybe you’ve never thought to write Him letters at all. Whether you choose to place them in a safe place or throw them away after writing them, just know that God sees them + He reads them. 

4. Sit + Meditate On God’s Word And Promises To You:

For me, meditation is simply rehearsing and continually thinking about something repetitively until it gets into your spirit and becomes a part of you. Dictionary.com defines meditation as continued or extended thought; reflection; contemplation.

While I wont go into full depths particularly about meditation, I will say that it is a powerful tool. As you practice meditating + repeatedly rehearsing the word of God and His promises, it will propel you to believe them and walk in them by faith. After you have given so much thought to something, you can’t help but act on it in some way. That is the power of meditation.  

God has good plans for you, but it’s your responsibility to discover what those plans are for your life. His promises are found in His word and once you begin to read and meditate in His precepts, which is His word, as Joshua 1:8 tells us, God will begin to reveal His promises to you. He makes you promises because He loves you, cares for you, and has a plan and expected end for you.

God doesn’t leave any of us out there in the world to try to figure everything out on our own, with no sense of direction. We sometimes choose that path for ourselves because we don’t allow God to have total control in our lives. This is why it’s so important to know what His words says and believe it so that you will live by it.

I want to leave you with a reminder that the love of God runs deep like no other. Jesus wants you to return that love to Him and grow closer to Him by spending time in His word and meditating on His precepts so that He can reveal Himself + His promises to you.

5. Pure Worship:

Oh how wonderful it is to just let go + lose yourself in pure worship! God loves when we worship, praise, and glorify Him and His holy name. When you praise and worship the Lord, He honors that. When He sees how much you honor and revere Him, He embraces and rewards it by blessing you, although receiving blessings are not why we worship God. For we worship Him in pureness of heart because He is just that good, faithful, and loving. God blesses us even when we’re non-deserving just because that is the kind of Father He is. A good, good father.

Worship is the act of adoring reverence or regard for God. It is another way to grow intimately with Him. During worship you began to open your heart + spirit to God, which is an expression of selflessness and oneness. There’s nothing more intimate than feeling an overwhelming love for God and the presence of God burning in your soul, spirit, and heart.

I encourage you to turn on your favorite worship music or no music at all, if that is what you prefer. Begin to reverence + worship God, and get lost in His presence. I can assure you, God will embrace you and surround you with His unconditional love and peace.

I would love for you to share with me in the comments below, if you prefer to worship God with music or without. If you prefer without music, do you find that it can be distracting or do you just not care for it?

6. Thank God + Talk To Him All Throughout Your Day:

Thanking God and talking to Him all throughout the day is something that I live by and love to do. It’s just something about reminding God all throughout my day of how much I love and appreciate Him and all He does for me and my family.

This is a great way for you to build your relationship with your Father. Talking to Him only during prayer is not enough. He wants to hear from you more often than just during your designated prayer time.

Did you know that you can talk to God whenever you want and about whatever you want, no matter the time or place? This will help you to grow closer and closer to Him each day. Now of course this isn’t something that you need to do everyday starting off, but a few days a week is a good start. Before you know it, you’ll be talking to Jesus everyday of the week!

The easiest way to begin doing something new is to take baby steps of implementation. The baby steps eventually builds up to the bigger results.

7. Tell Jesus Everything:

It may take you some time before you’ll feel 100% comfortable enough to tell Jesus everything. I believe it’s through building a closer relationship with God that you will begin to open up and feel more comfortable in being transparent with Him.

The thing is, God already knows everything that is going on in your body, soul, and spirit. He just wants you to connect with Him, get intimate with Him, and trust Him enough to tell Him everything. One great thing that I’ve discovered through intimacy with God is that He doesn’t judge me nor does He change how He feels about me. The same applies to you. He doesn’t judge you nor does He change how he feels about you. Unlike folks, He’s the same everyday. 

Going before God exactly as you are is the start of true intimacy with God. He knows when you are not being authentically you and when you try to hide or cover things up. Go before God with honesty, truthfulness, and authenticity. He loves that!

FYI: The more you talk to God, the more He will talk to you.

8. Seek + Learn More About God:

The more you know about God, the more you will fall deeper in love with Him. In seeking the Lord and searching for Him, you will eventually find Him, Jeremiah 29:13. Honestly, He’s not as far away from you as you may think He is. Sometimes He just wants you to come after Him and pursue Him. The word reminds us to,

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you...”- James 4:8.

There are many ways you can learn about God. Two ways are through study time + prayer. Aside from those, you can learn about God through:

  1. Christian literature, such as books
  2. Christian Inspired videos on Youtube
  3. Christian music
  4. Google (Search any questions or thoughts you may have. Trust me, an overwhelmingly amount of results are sure to pop up!)

I encourage you to explore more ways to learn about God so that you can know Him much more and experience more intimacy with Him.

9. Create A Gratitude Journal:

I don’t believe you’ll ever truly see how blessed you really are until you start a gratitude journal. There is just something that’s simply powerful about this, so much that it has personally changed the way I look at my life.

Oftentimes, it’s so easy to feel like you don’t have this or that, but when you really sit quietly and reflect on your life and think about what God has done for you, you will see just how blessed you truly are even if your feelings + emotions have not yet caught up to that reality.

Starting a gratitude journal is simply writing a list of your top three or five things you’re grateful or thankful for, or however many you desire. I like to write my top 5 because it challenges me to truly reflect on how many things I am truly blessed with and forces me to choose specific ones although I am grateful for them all. 

This daily habit will help you grow closer to God as you reflect on all the things you are truly grateful for that the Lord has done in your life. It will fill your heart with such joy and gratitude. 

Challenge yourself every morning before you begin your day or at night before bed to write your top three or five things that you are most grateful for. I’m telling you, it will begin to change your heart and outlook on life. It will help you to appreciate the things that you already have, even more. It may also cause you to ask God for less because you recognize that what you already have is more than enough! 

As children of God we oftentimes ask God for so many things without ever truly realizing what we already have and being content with those things. Hebrews 13:5 tells us to, “Be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Embrace this ninth way of experiencing intimacy with God and I guarantee you, it will be a game changer in your relationship with God and for your perspective on life. 

This post was all about ways you can experience deeper intimacy with God and grow closer to Him.

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