Living Intentionally in Christ: Your Path to A Meaningful Life
Imagine waking up each day to a life that is full of purpose and intention. One that you have carefully curated to align with who you truly are (i.e. values, aspirations, etc.) and…
An Authentic Life: 3 Key Elements of Authentic Living
What comes to mind when you think of an authentic life? Is it a life that is true to yourself, or perhaps a life that is lived genuinely? If you’ve had any of…
Rebuilding Yourself in God After You’ve Lost Yourself
There are many things in life that can cause you to be in a place where you lose touch of who you are. Some things that come our way can sometimes consume us…
“Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me.”- Mark 8:34 NKJV
“Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”- Mark 8:34 Those were the words spoken by Jesus as He gathered His disciples and…