There are many things in life that can cause you to be in a place where you lose touch of who you are. Some things that come our way can sometimes consume us to the point where we totally lose ourselves, as a result. And it’s sometimes very difficult or challenging for many of us to find ourselves again, put the pieces of our lives back together, and simply move forward. While there’s many factors that can contribute to losing yourself, I want you to be assured that no matter what, there is a way that you can begin rebuilding yourself in God after you’ve lost yourself.
Losing Myself:
When I became a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) of two (a busy toddler and an infant), this eventually led me to a place where I totally lost my identity. It didn’t happen right away, but gradually I was spiraling downwards. I hit a place of overwhelm like never before. I felt lost, confused, unfocused, mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausted, and just didn’t know who I was or what I wanted for my life anymore. If you’ve been in this place before, then you know exactly what I mean.
It wasn’t until I reached a place where I kept reminding myself, “There has to be more to my life than this. And there is more to my life than this.” And I was absolutely right, there is! Also, prayer (even when it was a struggle to do) was my anchor. I had to hold onto what God had promised me.
There is a way!
The reason I share this with you is because many of us experience a season in our lives where we feel like we’ve hit rock bottom. While in that place we think or even believe that there’s no way possible to get back up and feel good about ourselves again. But there is! It is possible for you to build yourself back up and I’m here to help you with that today. After reading this post, I am confident you’ll have the inspiration you need to create the mindset and heart-set to move forward and begin rebuilding yourself in God. If this sounds like something you truly need, I encourage you to continue reading.
Before I share the ways in which you will begin rebuilding yourself in God, I want to briefly share what it means to lose yourself and rebuild yourself.
What it means to lose yourself.
Losing yourself is another way of saying you’ve lost touch of who you are; you no longer feel like yourself anymore; you don’t have a desire to do the things you use to do; you feel disconnected from yourself AND God, etc. But, no matter what you label “losing yourself” as, there’s one common denominator here and that is, you’re in a space where you need to reconnect with self and get a grip of your life again.
What it means to rebuild yourself.
Think of rebuilding yourself in God as a fresh start, restart, or rebranding of self. Re-establishing who you are + want to be. Refocusing on getting yourself to a healthy place mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc. and regaining your self-confidence, power, and strength as a woman of God.
When you re-do anything it means you are doing something again; revising or reconstructing. Even if you were not who or where you wanted to be prior to being in this current space, this is a fresh opportunity for you to rebuild toward something new and different. Something that truly aligns with who you desire to be and the woman you believe God is calling you to be.
I want to be clear that this post is not about ways to rebuild your life per se (i.e. achieving ulterior successes or goals, etc.), although rebuilding yourself can eventually lead to those things. We’re focusing solely on who you are within. You as a woman of God, internally (i.e. Your spiritual vitality, mind, strength, etc.).
The things I will be sharing with you are proven things that I’ve committed myself to while rebuilding myself in God and believe they too will help you to re-establish and rebuild yourself in the Lord.
A fresh start…
Don’t allow the enemy nor your current circumstance(s) cause you to believe that you can’t change; that you’re stuck where you are. I’m here to remind you, YOU CAN CHANGE! In fact, you have the power within you right now to change who you are and the entire trajectory of your life. If you are still here with breath in your body, AND you’re reading this post, oh you better believe that you have a new opportunity and a fresh start to begin rebuilding yourself in God!
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This post is all about rebuilding yourself in God after you’ve lost yourself.
Rebuilding Yourself in God
1. Acknowledge How You’ve Lost Yourself:
Acknowledgment, according to dictionary.com, means recognition of the existence or truth of something. It is one of the most important things you will have to do as you begin the journey of rebuilding yourself in God. This is something many of us don’t want to do because it’s sometimes difficult to face the truth of our lives; who we’ve become, and what’s become of our lives. But knowing and being clear + honest about what has caused you to get to this place in your life will help you to later identify what things you’ll need to change or address, so you can move forward and be the person you need to be.
Acknowledging what has caused you to be where you are, how you’re feeling about yourself, and how you’ve changed are the things you need to sit and take the proper time to think about. While I was in my season of feeling lost I had to sit and really look at the leading factors that played a major role in where I was during that time. In other words, what led me to be in that stuck place; And how did I allow myself to get there.
While life’s circumstances are happening you don’t always see the full affect it has on you, but after awhile you find yourself no longer feeling like yourself, you become unmotivated to do the very things you once loved doing, you realize you were neglecting yourself in many ways, etc.
Seeing exactly where you are will be a stepping stone in helping you to move forward and bring about change. Its also a great idea to write these things down on a piece of paper so that you’ll really see where you are and can reflect on them, but only for a moment. Remember, the goal here is to identify where your life took a turn and what caused you to be where you are and feel the way you’re feeling so that you’ll know how to tackle it and grow forward.
2. Identify Who You Want To Be:
Now that you’ve taken the time to sit and carefully think about what caused you to be in this place, it’s time to think about who you want to be. What is she like? How is her character? What are her qualities? What quality of life does she live? How is her spiritual life? These are things to consider when you are thinking about the woman you truly want to be.
This here is very important because being aware of the woman you want to be will help you to identify the things you will need to do to move forward and begin rebuilding yourself in God, and to align with that vision of yourself.
I want you to sit and imagine the woman of God you truly want to be. Identifying who you want to be will help you to figure out the things you will need to start doing daily to become her (i.e. habits, routines, priorities, etc.)...
Stay focused on who you want to be. Don’t focus on who you once were because we’re not living in the past, but who do you see yourself as, going into your future? What kind of godly woman will you be?
3. Be Specific + Intentional:
Be specific about what you want and who you want to be. You don’t have any time to waste here. Knowing exactly what you want will help you to be on your way to building that for yourself. It puts you in a position of surety + confidence and helps you to avoid feeling like you’re all over the place. Being specific keeps you focused on your goal(s).
Intentionality is key when it comes to becoming the woman you want to be. Knowing what you’re building towards and intentionally doing the things that directly aligns with that will help you to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. Being an intentional woman will help shape your daily choices and decisions. You will be focused only on the specific things that will help you to rebuild yourself. I encourage you today to discover the true power that lies in living intentionally.
4. Establish A Lifestyle of Prayer:
There’s a difference in praying here + there or when it’s convenient AND establishing a lifestyle of prayer. When it becomes your lifestyle this is something you faithfully do because it is a part of who you are. Yes, even when you’re not quite feeling it.
Building a life of prayer also builds you as a woman of God. Not only does it build your faith and stamina, but also your character.
It is by prayer that we stay connected with our heavenly father. This is how we converse with Him, talk to Him, hear from Him, and receive instructions + guidance from Him. This must become a part of who you are as you rebuild yourself in God.
Prayer, in addition to my faith in God, is what anchored me when I lost my identity. This will help you to build your faith, spiritual vitality, and character. Who is a woman of God without a life of prayer?! A woman who is disconnected from God.
5. Study + Meditate On God’s Word:
The bible tells us to meditate day and night in the word of God, Psalms 1:2. I believe this is mostly so you can retain it in your heart, not forget His word, and live accordingly. It’s important for you to get to a place in your life where you consistently study God’s word, daily. The word of God is our daily bread and should be consumed just as much as we consume natural foods. We must feed our spirit and most importantly keep an appetite for God’s rich word so that we can be full of His wisdom.
Meditation puts you in a position to be still and ponder on God’s word. Oftentimes, we’re in a rush to read God’s word without fully comprehending or understanding what it truly means. The goal here is to study and meditate so you will learn and understand how to effectively apply the word to your daily life and live well, as God intends for you.
It’s in the word of God where you will begin to discover what God says about you, expects of you, and who you are in Christ. This should directly impact the woman of God you will strive to become and simply be.
[Related Post]: 3 Key Methods to Apply God’s Word
6. Stay Focused, No Matter What!:
Staying focused is one of the most challenging things to do in a world full of busyness, noise, and distraction. Getting there is difficult, but once you’re there, you can’t let go. When you are clear on who you want to be and what you need to do to get there it’s vital for you to stay focused. Committing yourself to staying focused is the only way you will truly get to your destiny.
I understand how busy, chaotic, and hectic life can be, but you have to be determined to stay focused and keep your eyes and your mind on what you are striving to achieve, no matter what! This may mean disconnecting from some things or people to help you get to that place because once you lose focus it’s so hard to regain. As much as possible, create a focused environment for yourself or carve a little space in your life amidst everything that’s happening around you, where you can sit quietly and focus. Perhaps, some sort of ‘focus-zone’.
7. Feed Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Good Things:
These are the things that make up a person. They drive your daily actions, habits, attitude, mood, etc. Making sure you are properly taking care of and feeding each of them what they need to flourish will only set you up for success.
The Mind
Our actions are a direct reflection of the things we think about. What you think about will eventually lead to actions, whether positive or negative. What’s in your mind also affects how you feel, how you view your life, your perspectives, and many other things. Feeding your mind positive things will help you make good decisions for your life, propel you forward, and keep you inspired and encouraged.
Our mind is the enemy’s battlefield, so you must guard and protect it. Ephesians 4:23 reminds us to, “be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” God stresses to us the importance of mind renewal and how it is the only way we can truly begin to live a righteous life in Christ. Changing the way we think, to thinking on the things of Christ (creating the mind of Christ) is essential for daily Christian living, Philippians 2:5. So be very selective and intentional about the things you do, listen to, watch, think on, and entertain. All of these things have great impact on what goes on in your mind.
The Spirit
Being spiritually aligned and enriched will have you feeling like you’re on top of the world. There’s something empowering about being spiritually inclined and feeding your spirit good things, daily. Most importantly, you want to feed and nourish your spirit with the word of God.
It’s important to protect your spirit from things that are not good for you. Once in your spirit, it can cause you to behave differently, feel differently, and lose touch of God and what’s best for you. When you protect your spirit, you’re also protecting your peace and your energy.
The Body
Feeding your body good things will help you feel good about yourself. Not only what you’re putting in it, but what you’re doing with it. And that is what we’ll focus on today.
I Corinthians 6:19 reminds us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in us, and we are not our own. We can’t just do what we want with it because that will result in us defiling it. When you contaminate yourself it becomes difficult for God to dwell there and it pulls you away from God. Worship and honor God with your body by taking care of it inside out.
8. Remove Distractions:
Distractions are Satan’s #1 tool. He uses this to get you off course and to sway you away from God. Distractions will interrupt your flow and your focus, if you’re not careful enough. Trust me, it happens to the best of us. Doing everything in your power to stay focused to the point where you’re not allowing anything to come in is where you want to get to.
There may be several distractions in your life right now. You know, those things that seem to hinder you from moving forward in life. Maybe those things that have caused you to feel stuck. Whatever it is, it’s time to let it go! Whatever your “it” is, remove it! It will do nothing but stagnate your journey or stop you from reaching your ideal self. You must ask yourself the question, “Is this really worth it?”
9. Write It All Down:
This brings us to our last point and that is, Write it all down. Maybe this could have gone further up on this list, but following this step from the very beginning of this process will help who you want to become, feel more real and more achievable for you.
There is a true hidden power in writing things down. In fact, Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to, “Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” So there is power in writing down who you are rebuilding yourself to be. The vision you have of yourself.
Taking these things from your mind and putting them on actual paper makes them tangible. You can now touch it, read it, see it, and even modify it. You no longer have only a mental note of who you want to be and what you want to create of your life, you now have it written down. Writing it down also gives you the ability to look at it everyday, and throughout your day. Looking at it often will also help you to stay focused.
I pray this post has blessed you and has given you what you needed to jumpstart your fresh start. God greatly desires for you to be the woman He created you to be and walk in all that He’s planned for you. Somewhere deep down within you I believe you have what it takes to be the woman that you believe you are supposed to be. All you need to do is focus on who that better version of yourself is, believe that you can be her, and be intentional about how you’ll move forward and live your life.
This post was all about rebuilding yourself in God after you’ve lost yourself.
If this post has been helpful to you in any way, I'd love for you to share in the comments below, which of the points were a major take away for you? Are you ready to begin rebuilding yourself or have you already begun?
Tanya M Adams
02/04/2024This is soooo needed and helpful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with the world. I love this and pray for increase in followers and blessing on every reader. Keep going, God has great things for you…???????
02/11/2024Thank you so much for reading my post + the encouraging words. They truly mean a lot to me. ?