Are you feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges or circumstances and just need God to come through and fight your battles? Have you found yourself feeling weighed down by things that just feels like too much to bear? If so, finding rest in God is just what you need.
If you’re in a space of uncertainty about what to do or feel that you can’t take it anymore, this post is for you! I’m here to share with you how you can let it all go and find rest in the Lord. Trust and believe that God can lift your burdens and give you comfort all at the same time.
My little meltdown…
Just recently I had a little moment where I was so overwhelmed by life. Things were just super busy and I started feeling overwhelmed. I had gotten so consumed by my day-to-day responsibilities as a mom that I experienced a little meltdown. While in my feelings with my emotions on 100, I felt completely distraught. I then hid myself in my home office and began to weep on the floor. I was just so mentally + physically tired of dealing with everything and just needed it all to STOP!. Soon after, I began to calm myself and instantly heard within my spirit, “Rest in God”. That was God telling me in that moment, to let it all go and rest in Him.
Letting it all go is not so easy. To God it’s simple, but for us, it can be quite challenging. While God wants it to be that simple for us, many of us are just not quite there.
When you’re in those moments of distress take a step back and do your best to give it to God. He cares for you, 1 Peter 5:7. Thereafter, enter into a space of rest in Him. The rest that God promised you, according to Matthew 11:28. In that space is where you will find comfort in God, which we will talk about next.
This post is all about finding rest in God.
Resting in God: What it Means
I sat and pondered the thought of resting in God. I pulled out my journal. Then, I began to write down the things that came to mind. The words below are what instantly came to mind as I thought of rest. Shortly after, I searched + found scripture that related to each of them, for you to meditate on.
- Comfort– John 14:1; Matthew 11:28-29
- Strength– Isaiah 40:29, 40:31
- Peace– Isaiah 26:3; John 14:27, 16:33
- Renew/Restore– Psalms 23:3, 55:22
- Wait– Psalms 27:14, 62:5
- Trust– Psalms 91:2
One of the main key scriptures that were ringing in my spirit were:
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. -Isaiah 40:31
Considering each of the scripture, resting in God simply means to trust Him completely. It involves letting go of all control. We find peace in God’s ability to handle everything that happens in our lives.
Resting in God is a lifestyle of surrender, trust, and dependence. We know that He is the ultimate source of our strength and peace. It’s not about physical rest alone, but an ongoing spiritual practice of faith in Him.
How to Rest in the Lord
There are several things you can do to rest in the Lord. Here are some effective ways I’ve discovered. They helped me to rest in God during moments of distress and overwhelm; those moments I needed to find comfort in God.
1. Letting go of what’s weighing you down:
This is not as easy as it sounds. But, letting go of the things that cause you to feel weighed down is key to entering in God’s rest. God’s word reminds us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us, 1 Peter 5:7. He wants you to cast them upon Him because He doesn’t want you to walk around feeling weighed down by these things.
When the cares of life weigh you down, it affects how you show up. It also affects how you serve God. I want to encourage you today to trust in God’s word and cast your cares upon Him. See just how much you won’t regret it!
2. Trusting God with every moment:
Give everything that you’re carrying within, over to God. This act shows God just how much you really trust Him to take your burdens. Because God is a good good father, He doesn’t want you weighed down, completely stressed, and consumed by them.
Trusting God requires faith. It begins with understanding + believing that God is in total control of everything. This includes the things you cannot control and don’t understand. It means trusting His timing, wisdom, and goodness in every circumstance. We believe that God has a plan for us. And that He works all things together for our good, even when we don’t see it at the moment.
3. Give up trying to do things your way:
How many times have you tried to do things your way only for them to get worse or not change? What about allowing God to work things out for you instead?! God holds that plans for your life and knows exactly what needs to happen in every situation. He doesn’t need for you to put your hands in it. In fact, as you rest in God, use this time to exercise your faith. Trust God to work things out on your behalf.
4. Spend quiet time w/ God:
Quiet time with God is quality time with Him. In your quality time with Him, spend some intimate time embracing His presence. Start by sitting and talking to God. Share everything with Him that is weighing on you. Let God know all about it even though He already knows. He still wants to hear your voice.
The other part of this is sitting quietly to hear and listen to God speak. He speak in several different ways. What matters most is that you are in a space to hear Him clearly.
[Related Post: 9 Compelling Ways to Experience Intimacy with God]
5. Read + study God’s word:
You can never go wrong with reading and studying the word of God. Learn what God’s word says about you, and how it can help you to rest in the Lord and continue standing.
In God’s word, you will find comfort in scripture. It offers reassurance of who God is and who you are in Him. Through God’s word, we gain strength. This strength helps us to continue pressing forward even when the going gets tough and you want to give up. His word spares us hope that things happen for a reason or season, and are only temporary, not permanent. Believe that this too shall pass, just like everything else that has.
In closing, II Timothy 3:16-17 reminds us that all scripture is given through inspiration by God. It is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. It ensures that the man (woman + man) of God be whole and thoroughly equipped for every good work. Reading and studying God’s word places you in a position to be inspired. It encourages, uplifts, and sustains you, especially during times of overwhelm and frustration.
Key Benefits of Resting in God
While resting in God there are several perks or key benefits that are associated with resting in Him. The following are some benefits that I’ve personally reaped when I chose to rest in the Lord. I believe you too will benefit from them as you rest in God as well.
1. Your strength will be renewed
You can rest assure knowing that God will renew your strength when you take rest in Him. There’s no greater feeling than God strengthening you when you’re weak. I can totally attest to this. When I am weakened spiritually and physically, God gives me the added strength that I need to continue on. Most times supernaturally. He does this when I ask Him for it or tell Him that I need it. So tell Him what you need!
As I mentioned earlier, reading + studying God’s word will renew your strength or spiritual vitality. God’s word is both living and powerful, so why wouldn’t it strengthen you?!
[Related Post: How to Renew Your Spiritual Vitality]; [Renewing Your Spiritual Vitality: 7 Key Benefits]
2. God removes the heaviness that weigh you down
Embrace the freedom that comes from no longer being weighed down by the cares of this world. There’s no better feeling than having those weights lifted from your shoulders and spirit, and your mind being free. When you enter in the rest that God promised you, this is one of those benefits you’ll reap.
If I can be quite honest with you, the enemy (Satan) wants you to be weighed down, frustrated, and overwhelmed. He doesn’t like when God steps in and intervene on your behalf. He wants you to stay in that overwhelmed and discouraged place so that you won’t give God the glory. This is even the more reason why you must give it all to God and rest in Him.
The bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, John 10:10. This includes your energy, peace, strength, etc. Anything he can take from you, he will, but not if you allow God to fight for you by resting in Him and giving it all to Him.
3. You are comforted + restored
Lastly, when you are comforted and restored by God, He will restore and renew your spirit, attitude, and mind. Being comforted means to be consoled or relieved. To be restored means to be reestablished or brought back to a former or original state or condition. As you rest in God, He will comfort you. He will restore you back to how you felt before being in that overwhelmed and frustrated place or even better than before.
If you don’t chose to rest in the Lord, you will continue to feel distressed and defeated. You will continue to try to do things on your own, in your own way. This is why it is so vital for you to trust the Lord and give it all to Him. Let Him take away every feeling of distress you may have. Allow Him to renew + restore you and your strength.
This post was all about finding rest in God.