“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” - Hebrews 11:6

Are you struggling with building faith in God? I know this isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but it certainly isn’t the most difficult either. If you are struggling with this I would like to share with you, 5 simple ways to build your faith in God, which in fact, are totally achievable and key for living successfully in Christ.

As I stated earlier, building faith does not have to be tedious. As you continue to read, you’ll see just what I mean by that. But before we get into the five faith-builders, I would first like to share a few key pointers of faith and why it is essential for your spiritual growth.

5 simple ways to build your faith in God

key pointers of faith

Faith is the foundation that you must build upon to walk with God. What I mean by this is that faith must become your solid foundation. For anything to be strong and stand firmly, it must have a solid base. Walking with Christ means that you must first believe by faith that He is. So with that same belief in God, you must make that the foundation you continue to build upon.

The bible says that as believers of Christ we go from faith to faith, which means that we must continue to do our part to build faith so that it continues to grow within us. The more you believe, the more you’ll do, and the more God will do things in your life. It is absolutely key here.

Secondly, without faith you can’t please God, Hebrews 11:6. Along with the first point, you can’t live for Christ, walk in your purpose, nor do anything in God if you don’t first establish your faith in Him. Now, establishing faith and building faith in God are cohesive to one another, but requires totally different things.

You may want to focus on building your faith before you can establish it. Building faith means you have begun to walk in faith and are doing the necessary things to grow it. On the other hand, establishing faith means, you have done the work to build it and now you are at a place where you can say that your faith is much stronger and firmer.

Now that we’ve gone over a few key pointers of faith and why it’s so significant for your life in Christ, let’s get into why you’re really here.

This post is all about simple ways to build your faith in God.

The 5 Simple Faith-Builders:

These five simple faith-builders are not the only ways to build faith. However, they are a simple start to get you headed in the right direction to begin growing in your faith. While having faith is a key element to living an authentic life in Christ, you must learn how to continuously build it in your life, and this post will help you with that today. If this is what you’re in need of, I encourage you to continue reading.

Faith-Builder #1: Prayer

When it comes to faith, prayer is the number one key component in building it. Prayer helps you to establish a connection + relationship with God, which will greatly impact your faith. Prayer requires you to believe by faith because we can’t physically see God nor do we physically see the things we are asking Him for. So, you must believe that He exists, that He is who He is, and that He will grant you your request. As I stated earlier in this post, without faith you can’t even please God because it is by faith that we do so.

So whether you’re praying for God to increase your faith or praying for something, prayer is an act of faith that will help you build more faith because you are exercising your belief by believing that God hears you and will honor your request.

When a person choses to consistently workout to build muscle, the more they work those muscles, the more they grow stronger and firmer. Similarly, the more you work your faith, the stronger it gets. And as you continuously build your faith muscle through prayer, it later results in firmer and stronger faith.

Prayer is one of the key components in building more faith in God now so that you will be more established in your faith later.

If you’re interested in learning more about the importance of prayer in building faith, read section #1 of my post, “9 Compelling Ways to Experience Intimacy with God”, where I briefly share on spending quality time with God in prayer. I believe this will also help you in building your faith.

Faith-Builder #2: Read Faith-Inspired Stories in the Bible:

There’s something simply amazing about reading faith-inspired stories in the bible. It instantaneously does something to my faith every time I read them.

The bible is full of stories, both short and long of how people during that time walked by faith. As a result, things were accounted to them because they believed.

While there are several popular stories in the bible of faith such as Abraham, who is the father of faith or the woman with the issue of blood, there are many other stories of individuals who during that time expressed faith and received what they needed from the Lord.

Reading faith-inspired stories will instantaneously build your faith because it shares others struggles and challenges they endured and reveals how God blessed, healed, or delivered them because they chose to trust God and believed that He could do it for them.

If you find yourself enduring various struggles with your faith, I am confident that these stories will encourage you to continue walking by faith and building your faith in God.

5 Faith-Inspired Stories in the Bible that will Build Your Faith:

Hebrews 11:8; Hebrews 11:11; Hebrews 11:7; Mark 5:25-29; Hebrews 11:5-6

Start today by reflecting on your life and identify those areas that could use a little more faith. Begin there by trusting God with whatever it may be. As you lean solely on God, you will see just how effective it is in building your faith. Trust me on this!

Faith-Builder #3: Fellowship + Corporate Bible Teaching:

Corporate Bible Study

Attending corporate bible teachings where the spirit of God is present, is vital. You will not receive that same experience by sitting at home in front of your computer or tv screen.

Learning the word of God from a devoted leader, such as a Pastor, who spends quality time with God and has a genuine relationship with God will catapult your faith. For me personally, my Bishop carefully breaks down and dissect the word of God so that we will understand it in practical terms, which I believe is truly important.

When you sit down to read or study God’s word during your quiet time, it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming or intimidating simply because it’s so much to take in. Although God wants you to read and understand it for yourself, it’s very important to engage yourself in bible teachings at church or even in a bible study group to learn in depth with others and possibly from others.


Being amongst other believers in fellowship will expeditiously increase your faith because you all can share your faith, testimonials, and experiences, which helps to build more faith. Hearing others stories about what God did for them or how they overcame something in their lives will help you to build more trust in God in your own life.

There’s even times as you begin to connect with other Christians that you’ll start to discover that you all share similar experiences, challenges, and even struggles. Engaging in these conversations will help you to identify how they got through certain things or how they put their faith in God, and how He worked things out for them.

Hearing of others victories while walking by faith, will in turn build yours. For me, it is an instant faith builder when I hear others share their testimonials of what God did for them. It just shows me even more of how faithful God truly is.

Faith-Builder #4: Watch Inspirational, Faith-Inspired Videos on YouTube:

Spending your leisure time watching faith-inspired videos on YouTube can be very inspiring. This personally gets me motivated + equipped to conquer the day or whatever obstacle I may be facing at the time.

Although you have faith, watching these types of videos can act as a reminder for you to continue walking by faith + building your faith. It can also help you to understand the power that you possess when your faith is activated. Keeping your faith activated is how you will walk by it and continue to build it.

Simply go to YouTube and search for “Christian Inspiration“. There are many videos that will come up in the search. No matter which videos you choose to watch, these videos will give you the encouragement and inspiration you need to plant your feet, regain your footing, or even restore your faith.

One of my favorite inspirational videos to begin with is this one. It reminds me to keep Jesus first, which is so important on your Christian journey.

I would love for you to let me know in the comments below, one or two of your favorite go-to videos for inspiration on YouTube. I’d be happy to check them out!

Faith-Builder #5: Put Your Full Confidence in God:

Giving it to God

Putting your full confidence in God is similar to number one of this list, Prayer. When you put your full confidence in God, you’re acknowledging Him and showing Him that you trust Him with your life and everything in it. By the way, this is difficult to do sometimes. This one takes a great amount of faith because you must truly trust God with everything and keep your hands completely out of it.

As a result…

When you fully put your trust in God, you’re putting your faith at work. This will help you to build more faith in Him because the more you put your trust in Him and He works things out for you, you’ll begin to see that you can trust Him even more.

For example, if you tell someone something confidential and you know for sure that they have not told anyone, you’ll feel comfortable enough to continue telling them your secrets or important things because you believe that you can trust them. You’ve put your faith in that person. You believe they would not tell anyone what you have told them in secret.

By continuously walking by faith it will began to come naturally like second-nature. You won’t even have to think twice about whether or not you should trust God with it. You just will!

I’ve decided a long time ago to put my full confidence in God and not try to do things myself because it just works out so much better that way. Oftentimes when we try to do things ourselves, we just make matters worse. Proverbs 3:5 tells us to, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding. So just let go of it and allow God to take control. Besides, that’s what He’s waiting to do.

By making the conscience choice to fully trust God, it has tremendously increased my faith over the years because I recognized how much He’s done for me and that I can truly trust Him, as a result.

This post was about simple ways to build your faith in God.

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  • ELIZE T.

    Wow! Such a profound article. This was exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.

    • Brittany Adams

      Hello Elize,

      I’m happy that you’ve found what you needed. Thank you for reading! ?