writer. blogger. author.

Several years ago I went from being suicidal and believing I had no purpose in life, to now walking in my true purpose and living passionately for Christ.

One of the questions I’ve always asked throughout my life was, “What is my Purpose?”. I believe this is one of the most asked questions among so many because we all are here on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose. But, how many ever discover what that truly means for their lives?

For me, this was so important because I didn’t want to live a life where I just existed; with no sense of meaning or direction. Have you ever been in that place, where you wondered or questioned your existence? Or are you there? If so, you know exactly how that feels.

My Struggle with Suicide

Struggling with suicide was an extremely dark season of my life; and overcoming it was challenging, but through the struggles I’ve learned how to intentionally build myself up in God, grow closer to Him, and align myself with His will for my life.

Even after God delivered me from suicidal ideation, I still found myself in a place of not knowing who I was nor what my purpose was. In fact, this was something I honestly struggled with for many years; along with feeling overlooked, different, set apart, you name it!

I felt like everyone around me had a unique gift, talent, or purpose but me. This left me in a place of feeling completely incompetent and uncertain, with no sense of purpose or meaning.

In Total Pursuit of Purpose

A few years ago, I entered into a space in my life where I truly wanted to pursue Christ completely and wholeheartedly. I then became eagerly determined to discover my true identity and purpose in Christ, more than anything. I knew there was more to my life than what was and had always been. I knew God was calling me to so much more.

I intentionally embarked on a personal journey in total Pursuit of Christ, and never looked back. Now, I can confidently say that I know who I am (self-identity), whose I am (Christs'), and what I’m here to do (purpose).

Throughout my journey thus far I’ve learned many things. Today, I can confidently say that through divine wisdom and knowledge from above, I am equipped and able to share that wisdom and my experiences with you to help you on your journey so that you too will live a purposeful and authentic life in Christ.

"A truly powerful woman is one who knows Who she is, Whose she is, and What she's here to do; And own it."

The Birth of Enkindled.

“Be the Example and Stop looking for One.”

Those were the words God had spoken to my heart, as I sat quietly in my home one afternoon searching on the internet in an eager pursuit to find other Christian communities of women who too were living for Christ, and on fire for God- only to find not many at all.

In our modern day era, as a young woman in Christ it’s important to be a part of a thriving community of other like-minded women who too are in pursuit of Christ, and all things God.

In our world today, it’s so common to see women who are ungodly with no respect for self. They are preoccupied with following the latest societal trends, and the list goes on. No one’s standing out anymore. No one’s really talking about Jesus and living an abundant life in Christ, which is in fact still possible in today’s time.

That was the moment ENKINDLED was conceived. I was on a mission to build a solid Christian community and space that didn’t exist, or barely existed, where Christian women, those with a true heart for Christ, could come and be a part of a space where they could learn, grow, and flourish in Christ, together.

Enkindled is a blog where I share my journey + experiences, godly principles, the wisdom of God, and helpful + effective resources to encourage and empower other Christian women to build themselves up in the Lord, to ignite their fire in God, to curate authentic lives in Christ, and walk in their God-given purpose, that they will shine their light + illuminate the lives of others, and glorify God. This is what it’s all about for me. It’s personal.

Living as a true woman of God requires a total transformation of one’s self. You no longer live in conformity to this world, but rather transformed by the living word and power of God, and I’m here to help you do just that. It’s about building a life of true intimacy with God and living a life of passion and purpose in the things of God. Living a life that is true to one’s self; your true self, who you can only discover in and through God.

I’m so elated to have you here and would like to personally invite you to hop aboard. Let’s take this journey together to become women who are on fire for God! Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Love, Brittany S. Adams

My Favorite Scriptures

John 15:7 | James 1:2-5 | Matthew 5:14,16 | Psalms 1:1-3