Do you find it challenging to live by God’s word and just can’t seem to get to that place? If so, don’t worry! I completely understand how you feel because I’ve been there. And trust me when I tell you, you’re not alone. If this is challenging for you, I believe you’ll find these 3 key methods to apply God’s word, extremely helpful.

While living for God is oftentimes quite challenging, one thing it’s not is impossible, although it may feel that way. The word of God is our spiritual manual which was inspired by God. It teaches us how to live before God on a daily basis because we are His children. Being a child of God means that we can no longer operate in + out of our old nature, but His. If it makes you feel any better, God doesn’t expect us to live for Him with zero struggles. This is something we must learn how to do. He is patient and understands that.

This post will provide you with three simple methods that will help you to live by God’s word. They will also give you an understanding of its importance, which will propel you even more. So, if you’re in need of this right now or perhaps later, I encourage you to continue reading + take notes.

This post is all about key ways to apply God’s word to your life.

The importance of living by God’s word

If I can be quite honest, living for God was never meant to be easy. Even with the most purest intentions to live effortlessly for God, it’s still going to be challenging, by nature. In fact, Matthew 7:14 tells us that, “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Everyone is not meant to find it, which is why it’s a difficult path.

I believe its way is difficult so that you can be cleansed, purified and transformed. And to wean out those who don’t have a pure heart for God. Not everyone is worthy to be called a child of God. According to Matthew 22:14, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Not everyone is meant to live for God. Unfortunately, He planned it that way.

The path of righteousness

As a child of God it is your reasonable service to live the way God desires for you to live. Living by God’s word is important for godly living because it keeps you on the right path. It also keeps you directly connected to God. This path is the only path where God truly resides, although He’s present everywhere.

There are many things that the word of God is. One key thing God’s word is; it’s a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. The word of God leads and guides us down the true path of light and righteousness. It keeps us and sustains us from going down the path of darkness and evilness. This is key when it comes to living completely for God. The word of God is also life to our soul. The bible speaks of how far more precious His word is than finely arrayed jewels because of it’s transformative power.

We’ve now gone over the importance of living by God’s word. Let’s get into the 3 key methods to apply God’s word to your daily life.

1. Read/study God’s word:

Before you can live by God’s word, you’ll need to first know what His word says. And the only way to do that would be to open it up and dive into it. This is where you will take your time and study God’s word. Carefully studying the word of God is how you will familiarize yourself with it and learn it. Honestly, there’s no way around this.

Not only does studying God’s word help you to learn it, but it’s actually your reasonable service unto God. This is a profound way to learn about God and even yourself; how God sees you and why He created you. There is so much power in the bible and in order for you to be powerful, you must know the word of God.

If studying God’s word is not a strong area for you, check out my post, 9 tips to effectively study the bible. I believe these tips will not only help you to effectively study the bible, but will provide you with a plan of action so you’ll go into every bible study completely confident. And actually look forward to studying every time!

If this sounds like something you’d love and can benefit from, you can take a peek at that post here.

2. Gain an understanding of God’s word:

During and after reading the word, there may be many things that you won’t comprehend or understand at that moment and that’s okay. There are several methods that will help you to understand God’s word, which we’ll go over a few of them here.


When it comes to any research Google is your friend. No seriously, it is! There’s so much information available out there that can provide you with further understanding of what’s in the word of God. Of course you will have to have a specific focus of what you want to research so that you can stay on track. It’s also helpful to have a discerning spirit, so that you’ll know what is of God and what isn’t. Trust me, there’s lots of information out there and an equal amount of misinformation. The last thing we want to do is be misinformed or misled.

Another place to do some digging is the bible, of course! The bible has so many things throughout that can help you gain more clarity of what you are reading. Utilizing the sections in the back of your bible such as, the Dictionary-Concordance, “God’s answers to man’s concerns”, “The parables of Jesus Christ” + “The miracles of Jesus Christ” can also be of help to you. It provides you with other specific scriptures and definitions related to the context of the content you are currently reading/studying.


As you sit and ponder on the particular scriptures or book you are studying, meditation is a profound way to gain understanding and insight. According to, meditation is defined as continued or extended thought; reflection; contemplation. As you sit to think and reflect on something for a period of time it will begin to ingrain in your mind. This eventually leads to you gaining a divine understanding of His word, and clarity will naturally began to come to you. You’ll begin to understand what the word truly means, most times.


Prayer is the most powerful faith act when it comes to anything, especially God. Going before God for understanding of His word first shows God that you are serious about learning it. Since the word of God is God, John 1:1, He will indeed give you understanding and clarity of what it says. James 1:5 tells us, if you lack wisdom, and in this case knowledge or understanding, God will freely give it to you. But, you have to ask Him for it.

Simply pray and tell God that you desire to know His word and live by His word. Ask Him to give you understanding and clarity of His word so that you will be able to effectively apply it your daily life, which is His perfect will. Making the effort to live by His word will move Him to giving you exactly what you are in need of.

This now brings us to our final key method….

3. Apply God’s word to your daily life (Put it into practice!)

Now that you should have a better understanding of God’s word, it’ll be much easier to understand how you need to apply God’s word to your life. Now I’m not saying this makes it easier to live by His word, but it makes it easier to know how to apply God’s word in the right way. There’s a great difference there.

The end goal is to live according to the biblical principals and concepts of God’s word. These methods will only provide you with ways to gain that understanding and clarity of how you are to apply it, so that it will be effective in your life.

The word of God is so powerful and living and true that it carries the power to change any aspect or area of your life. This is why understanding the word and applying it is so key and significant.


As you begin to understand the word of God and identify how you can apply it to your life, you can begin to implement it bit by bit until it becomes a part of your daily living. For example, if you’re studying Romans 12:2, which is one of my favorite scriptures by the way, after learning that it means to not live in the ways of this world, but live the way God wants you to, you’ll begin to walk in such a way. You will begin to work on changing your old ways of thinking and replace those thoughts with godly thoughts, etc.

The whole idea is to learn what to do, then practice doing it. The keyword here is practice. Practice means to do something habitually. As you continuously practice living the word, it will eventually become a natural part of your life. It’s just that powerful!

If you’ve enjoyed these 3 key methods to apply God’s word to your life, I encourage you to check out other related posts here. I’m confident you’ll find something you need!

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